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Mikyla Cara
"Deep down there has always been a burning desire to create music for the world to hear"  



So let me introduce myself to those of you I'm yet to get to know.....I'm Mikyla Cara, a singer-songwriter from the UK.  I don’t like to put myself into a musical box, so let’s just say, when I hear a song that’s ‘me' I know! Growing up, I listened to a mixture of Soul, RnB and Rock, so you could say my music is a fusion of these elements although my style is always developing.








So here’s my story, well a very condensed version! This may sound cliche, but I have been singing for as long as I can remember. Deep down there has always been a burning desire to create music for the world to hear but I have only been able to pursue this seriously over the last couple of years. When my daughter came along in 2014, I was overwhelmed with a new love for life and although striving for a career as a singer whilst raising a child on my own has been a challenge, she has been my muse and reason to work even harder to achieve my dream. 


Eventually after leaving an intoxicating situation that I had endured for the best part of a decade I was given the clarity I had been desperately waiting for. Finally I was able to become the woman I always was and unleash that desire to create and share my story in musical form. 








In January 2016 I began writing a bunch of songs that were largely in response to coping with what had happened to me and how I was feeling at the time. As you might expect, as time went on, my feelings surrounding my circumstances changed. Therefore, the songs began to form in a chronological order that told my story and reflected my growth as I began to heal. It was then a no brainer to use these songs to form an EP and call it ‘Grown’.







I spent a few months recording the seven track EP which was released in January 2017. Writing this EP was a huge part of the healing process for me, and as I was writing it I kept thinking so many people will be able to relate to these songs! Everyone has been heartbroken at some point in their life and although everybody experiences it differently, it’s significance is usually universal.







Moving forward, I am so excited for the future! I am always recording new material and hard at work to make this dream a reality. I hope that after reading this you will feel as though you know me a little bit better and if you are able to relate to my story at all then I hope that my music will be a part of your journey too. The beauty of music is that our response to it is as unique as we are. So please feel free to make of my songs what you will, they are for YOU. 


Join me on my journey, get to know me some more, pick your favourite song and let’s explore what's yet to come. 


Thanks to you I am GROWN

I broke the SILENCE

I will no longer be PLAYING WITH FIRE

I shut the world out and went off the RADAR

I said to myself....breathe in breathe out and EXHALE

I never thought I'd say I'm OVER YOU

Finally I am hopeful that from now on things will be SO SIMPLE!


See what I did there ;) Love to you all <3

"I was finally able to become the woman I always was....."

"I kept thinking so many people will be able to relate to these songs"!

"I hope that my music will be a part of your      journey too".

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